What Ammo Can be Used in a 45 Long Colt | What are the Different Types of 45 Ammo | Weapons Unlimited
45 Colt. The modern round is a popular deer and black bear hunting load , and heavier hand loads are more potent than a. 357 Magnum and have ballistics similar to a. 44 Magnum . Both are the same cartridge. The original cartridge's name was 45 Colt . To avoid confusion with the. 45 ACP cartridge, it was renamed 45 Long Colt. The Different Types Of 45 Long Colt Ammo: There are several different types of 45 Long Colt ammo, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common type is the lead round-nose bullets. They're inexpensive and offer good accuracy, but they're not very powerful. Another type is the copper-jacketed soft point bullets. They're more powerful than the lead rounds-noses, but they're also more expensive. They're accurate but less forgiving of poor conditions, and they can damage firearms if they penetrate too deeply. Long Colt Ammo is Manufactured : At AmmoLand.com, we have a wide variety of long colt ammunition available at unbea...